29 Jan 2013

XML Parsing

Since Oracle 9i Release 1 (9.0.1), a new datatype, XMLType, has been introduced to facilitate native handling of XML data in the database.

The following example demonstrate how to read an XML file using the XMLType.


<?xml version="1.0"?> <customer_list> <sales_person_staff_no>201201234</sales_person_staff_no> <sales_person_name>Ada Cheng</sales_person_name> <customer> <customer_code>1234</customer_code> <customer_name>ABC Trading Co., Ltd.</customer_name> <contact> <contact_name>Mickey Mouse</contact_name> <phone_no>987654321</phone_no> </contact> <contact> <contact_name>Donald Duck</contact_name> <phone_no>987654322</phone_no> </contact> </customer> <customer> <customer_code>1235</customer_code> <customer_name>Sunshine Co., Ltd.</customer_name> <contact> <contact_name>Felix the Cat</contact_name> <phone_no>987654322</phone_no> </contact> </customer> </customer_list>


create or replace PROCEDURE SP_XML_PARSING ( as_if_dir IN VARCHAR2, /* Oracle Directory of the XML File */ as_if_name IN VARCHAR2 /* File Name of the XML File */ ) AS /************************************************************************ NAME: SP_XML_PARSING PURPOSE: Parse an XML file. ************************************************************************/ CURSOR c_customer_list (f_xml XMLTYPE) IS SELECT customer_list.* FROM XMLTable('/customer_list' passing f_xml COLUMNS STAFF_NO VARCHAR2(20) path 'sales_person_staff_no', STAFF_NAME VARCHAR2(50) path 'sales_person_name', CUSTOMERS XMLTYPE path 'customer' ) AS customer_list; CURSOR c_customer (f_xml XMLTYPE) IS SELECT customer.* FROM XMLTable('/customer' passing f_xml COLUMNS CUSTOMER_CD VARCHAR2(20) path 'customer_code', CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR2(100) path 'customer_name', CONTACTS XMLTYPE path 'contact' ) AS customer; CURSOR c_contacts (f_xml XMLTYPE) IS SELECT contacts.* FROM XMLTable('/contact' passing f_xml COLUMNS NAME VARCHAR2(50) path 'contact_name', PHONE_NO VARCHAR2(50) path 'phone_no' ) AS contacts; TYPE lt_customer_list IS TABLE OF c_customer_list%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE lt_customer IS TABLE OF c_customer%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE lt_contacts IS TABLE OF c_contacts%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; la_customer_list lt_customer_list; la_customer lt_customer; la_contacts lt_contacts; lx_if XMLTYPE; BEGIN lx_if := XMLTYPE(bfilename(as_if_dir, as_if_name), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')); -- Customer List -- OPEN c_customer_list(lx_if); LOOP FETCH c_customer_list BULK COLLECT INTO la_customer_list; FOR i IN 1..la_customer_list.COUNT LOOP dbms_output.put_line('Staff No.: ' || la_customer_list(i).STAFF_NO); dbms_output.put_line('Staff Name: ' || la_customer_list(i).STAFF_NAME); dbms_output.put_line('**********************'); -- Customers -- IF c_customer%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_customer; END IF; OPEN c_customer(la_customer_list(i).CUSTOMERS); LOOP FETCH c_customer BULK COLLECT INTO la_customer; FOR j IN 1..la_customer.COUNT LOOP dbms_output.put_line('Cusomter Code: ' || la_customer(j).CUSTOMER_CD); dbms_output.put_line('Cusomter Name: ' || la_customer(j).CUSTOMER_NAME); dbms_output.put_line('----------------------'); -- Contacts -- IF c_contacts%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_contacts; END IF; OPEN c_contacts(la_customer(j).CONTACTS); LOOP FETCH c_contacts BULK COLLECT INTO la_contacts; FOR k IN 1..la_contacts.COUNT LOOP dbms_output.put_line('Contact Name: ' || la_contacts(k).NAME); dbms_output.put_line('Phone No.: ' || la_contacts(k).PHONE_NO); dbms_output.put_line('######################'); END LOOP; EXIT WHEN c_contacts%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; -- End Contacts -- END LOOP; EXIT WHEN c_customer%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; -- End Customers -- END LOOP; EXIT WHEN c_customer_list%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; -- End Customer List -- CLOSE c_contacts; CLOSE c_customer; CLOSE c_customer_list; END;


Staff No.: 201201234 Staff Name: Ada Cheng ********************** Cusomter Code: 1234 Cusomter Name: ABC Trading Co., Ltd. ---------------------- Contact Name: Mickey Mouse Phone No.: 987654321 ###################### Contact Name: Donald Duck Phone No.: 987654322 ###################### Cusomter Code: 1235 Cusomter Name: Sunshine Co., Ltd. ---------------------- Contact Name: Felix the Cat Phone No.: 987654322 ######################


  1. Using XMLType, http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B10500_01/appdev.920/a96620/xdb04cre.htm

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